Sunday, October 08, 2006

Labias are funny

The artist of this mammoth (about 3ft by 3ft) very kindly gives the viewer a diagram of some labia so that they may see for themself how funny they really are.

I particularly like the fancy font.

This huge art work I found hidden at the top of the stairs back stage at the Stoke Sugar Mill. Not many people get this far as it is beyond the old dressing room (now a storage room) as it is covered floor to ceiling. It is a pure joy to gaze endlessly at over 10 years of drawings and comments, although it has a very high percentage of cocks and gay based art and comments.

The venue staff ensured me that, although there was plans to do so, the walls will remain as they are, as it would be a crime to paint over such a quantity of art.

1 comment:

Becky said...

As a student nurse, I will have to agree that labias really are funny. Great blogs, by the way.